Mittsu Institute is a private holistic clinic for reconstructive, aesthetic, plastic surgery and skin therapy. We strive to a true-to-life result for you, whereby you will be as beautyifull as you feel inside.
Real beauty comes from within.
You radiate beauty when you feel in harmony with who you are. At ease, we call it within our Mittsu Institute. You are at ease when your inside and outside are in harmony. Sometimes something on the outside doesn’t feel right, causing the balance to be disturbed.
At Mittsu we do everything we can to restore your harmony.
We work on the most beautiful version of yourself. We work from the inside to the outside, starting with the soul. When you're balanced and relaxed, the skin heals more beautifully.
We work from a place of deep knowledge about the way our skin surrounds the body and soul. That helps us to help the body repair the skin and restore the natural balance of the body.
To cure scars as beautifully as possible, we have developed a way to help the body recover, based on extensive scar research and years of experience.